HITRUST Offers Cyber Threat Updates
New Service Shares Security Reports, Best PracticesThe Health Information Trust Alliance has unveiled a Cyber Threat Analysis Service, offering updates on the latest healthcare security threats and a variety of research reports.
See Also: Your Complete Guide to Healthcare Managed Defense
The new subscription service is a component of HITRUST's recently announced Cybersecurity Incident Response and Coordination Center (see: HITRUST Leads Anti-Hacking Effort). HITRUST is best known for its Common Security Framework, a free guide to implementing security controls to comply with various regulations, including HIPAA.
HITRUST developed the new service in partnership with iSIGHT Partners, a global cyber-intelligence firm. It's designed as a way to share best practices. The service offers:
- Incident and malware reports with technical analysis, based on real-world attacks against healthcare entities;
- Vulnerability research reports, including analysis of vulnerabilities in technologies commonly used in the healthcare sector;
- Reports that provide contextual analysis on emerging threats;
- Malware updates about unidentified or suspected malicious software;
- A forum for chief information security officers to receive updates from security intelligence analysts regarding emerging threats to the healthcare industry.
Among the participants in the project, according to HITRUST, are the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Health and Human Services, Wellpoint, Health Care Service Corp. and McKesson.