Nirav Shah, VP Products and Solutions, Fortinet

Nirav Shah, VP Products and Solutions, Fortinet

VP Products and Solutions, Fortinet

Nirav Shah leads the products and solutions team at Fortinet where he focuses on Security-Driven Networking pillar which includes SD-WAN, Network Firewall, 5G, SASE, Segmentation, and Digital Experience Monitoring solutions. With extensive experience working with enterprises and service providers, Nirav is responsible for developing Go to Market strategy, messaging, launch, and thought leadership. Prior to joining Fortinet, Nirav worked as a product lead at Cisco Systems where he was responsible for Integrated Services Routers and SD-WAN development. He worked with large enterprise customers re-designing WAN infrastructure and bringing new innovations to the market. Nirav also led the security and WAN Optimization integrations to the Cisco networking products to simplify enterprise branch and campus networks. Nirav completed his masters at the University of Southern California and worked at Qualcomm as corporate R&D engineer to focus on wireless and smart IoT sensors prior joining to Cisco.

OnDemand | SASE Outlook 2024: Top 5 Predictions and Trends

Presented by Alexandra Mehat, Product Marketing Director, Fortinet , Nirav Shah, VP Products and Solutions, Fortinet  •  February 14, 2024

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